This page contains little snippets of information that I find useful that I might need to reference in the future.
Creating a new hosted git repository:
In order to establish a hosted copy of a git repo:
mkdir <dir>
cd <dir>
git init --bare
Then, in an existing git repo (on the client machine):
git remote add origin <username>@<hostname>:/<dir>
git push origin master
Setting the HEAD reference in git:
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/{branch name}
This is used to change the default branch when you clone a bare git repository. (Must be run on the server)
10,000,000,000,000,000,000 | | | | | | |hundred | | | | | |thousand | | | | |million | | | |billion | | |trillion | |quadrillion |quintillion
Add User to Group:
This command adds an existing user to an existing group:
usermod -a -G {group} {user}
Create a new User
adduseris the more advanced option.
usermod -aG sudo <username>adds the user to the sudoers file.
Custom KTANE sheets KTANE password solver